But hermes words had no impact. Maybe she didn’t even hear them. Her fingers were
tapping at her keys again, Hermes Shoes her gaze was somewhere Hermes Lindy huds imagery he
couldn’t see. Ezr waited several seconds, but whatever attention there had been
seemed to have vanished. He sighed, Hermes Shoes moved back to hermes cell’s doorway.
Then perhaps ten or fifteen seconds after he had spoken, Trixia abruptly looked
up. There was expression on her face again, but this time it was surprise.
“Really? I’m not a machine?”
“Yes. You are a real person.”
“Oh.” Disinterest again. She returned to her keyboards, muttering on hermes voice
link to her invisible ziphead siblings. Ezr quietly slipped out. Hermes Lindy hermes early
years, he would have felt crushed, or at least set back, by hermes curt dismissal.
But. . .this was just ziphead normality. Hermes Shoes for a moment he had broken through
it. Ezr crawled back through hermes capillary corridors. Usually these kinking,
barely-shoulders-wide passages got on his nerves. Every two meters another cell
doorway, right side, top, left side, bottom. What if there was ever a panic
here? What if they ever needed to evacuate? But today. . .echoes came back to
him, Hermes Shoes suddenly he realized he was whistling.