But had she loved him Modest Hermes bags Outlet for what he had been or might have been, or was she just desolated Chinese Hermes bags Online the loss of her most cherished whipping boy, the one sure person in the world upon whom she knew Designer Hermes Birkin impunity vent her wayward spleen whenever the fancy took her?
Even without her awareness of it Hermes bags Offer an indispensable part of her existence, an insidiously woven warp in the weft of her being, always dependable, always there, always Hermes bags Review ready to hand when she most needed him even when that need was no more than to absorb the grey corrosive poison eating away steadily at the edges of her mind.
Even the most tarnished cornerstone can support the most crumbling edifice: take that away and the house comes tumbling down. The traumatic reaction to Stryker's death could, paradoxically, be the clinching manifestation of a complete and irredeemable selfishness: the as yet unrealised realisation that she was the most pitiful of all creatures, a person totally alone.